Magicians rarely like to explain their tricks but because I'm not a professional magician I can let you in on a little secret magic for your brain. Actually, it's a pretty big trick. First, however, I must give full credit to Rick Hanson, my veritable master teacher, whose international bestselling book, Hardwiring Happiness: the new science of contentment, calm and confidence, has inspired me this post. All of what I'm about to say comes from the magic of the pages in this book.
I am not a neuroscientist and doctor like him, but I don't need to be to understand what he's saying. He explains it in very simple layman's terms which I have likened to a magician telling us how the trick works. The trick we are talking about here is how to experience consistent lasting happiness over a life-time. So calling it a "trick" is not exactly right. It's more of a method for creating lasting happiness and other inner strengths such as the ones mentioned above in the title and many more like determination, kindness, compassion. Basically, it's about doing something different with our attention and mind than what we normally do, which isn't such a good thing it turns out.
In this blog post, I will not go into detail about the process of going about changing one's ways to acquire this magical gift. I will save that for later in the next series of posts I plan to write on this topic. Suffice it to say, that the work it takes to find this elusive happiness we all seek, is not has hard as it sounds. I for one can attest to that because I have already tried one technique he teaches and it worked.
For now I will just end by saying that I had to wonder why it took so long for science to figure this one out. No matter though, I love this book. And I am going to reveal a very interesting fact about this book which blew my mind away. It also gave me great relief to know it. Okay, so here it is: we are programmed to look for the negative in our environment. When I read that,The good news is that we can override this innate feature of our brain by doing something extremely simple but which has profound implications for ourselves and our human species.
In my next post I will continue to share more of what I have learned from this magical book and how to make happiness and other strengths a part of who you are and how you experience the world.
Eddie Grassi
Relationships Coach
I am not a neuroscientist and doctor like him, but I don't need to be to understand what he's saying. He explains it in very simple layman's terms which I have likened to a magician telling us how the trick works. The trick we are talking about here is how to experience consistent lasting happiness over a life-time. So calling it a "trick" is not exactly right. It's more of a method for creating lasting happiness and other inner strengths such as the ones mentioned above in the title and many more like determination, kindness, compassion. Basically, it's about doing something different with our attention and mind than what we normally do, which isn't such a good thing it turns out.
In this blog post, I will not go into detail about the process of going about changing one's ways to acquire this magical gift. I will save that for later in the next series of posts I plan to write on this topic. Suffice it to say, that the work it takes to find this elusive happiness we all seek, is not has hard as it sounds. I for one can attest to that because I have already tried one technique he teaches and it worked.
For now I will just end by saying that I had to wonder why it took so long for science to figure this one out. No matter though, I love this book. And I am going to reveal a very interesting fact about this book which blew my mind away. It also gave me great relief to know it. Okay, so here it is: we are programmed to look for the negative in our environment. When I read that,The good news is that we can override this innate feature of our brain by doing something extremely simple but which has profound implications for ourselves and our human species.
In my next post I will continue to share more of what I have learned from this magical book and how to make happiness and other strengths a part of who you are and how you experience the world.
Eddie Grassi
Relationships Coach
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